Network License Activation

Inserting New License Information into an Existing License File

If you choose to have the new license information automatically inserted into an existing license file, you eliminate the chance for error and reduce the time and effort it takes for you to add the information manually.

To automatically insert the new license information, click the "Insert the new license information into it." radio button. Click Browse to locate the existing file, and then click Next. The license information is added to your existing file.

Note: The new license information is added to the end of your existing license file.

For example:

SERVER Abcpc12345 00a0b0d12abc
VENDOR adskflex port=2080
INCREMENT 42600ACD_2004_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 21 \
    VENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=720 SUPERSEDE \
    DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=30-Sep-2003 SN=341-12345678 SIGN=B62442768702
INCREMENT 46300ACD_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 21 \
    VENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=720 SUPERSEDE \
    DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=13-Oct-2003 SN=341-87654321 SIGN="155D E3E2 2C25 A0DF \
    A02A A702 294D CCF3 4385 A62E 510B 5756 9EA5 1F99 1E6B 1038 \
    063F 4AA2 B23E 2633 3265 39EE 75B5 3645 3FDC D452 9265 2562 \
    D612 A7B9" SIGN2="015C CA8B D9CD 06C2 5D82 2575 67A7 601D DBB3 \
    F313 7048 763D AB69 4C61 5BF4 0C8C 7812 F2B4 196A 0822 2EF2 \
    C683 B692 D723 1189 122D 05B1 BBA7 1D14 C96E"

In the example above, the new license information "46300ACD_2005_0F" is inserted into your existing license file.

Overwrite an Existing License File

If you choose to overwrite the existing license file, you replace the entire contents of the existing license file with the new license file information.

Warning! By overwriting an existing license file, you are deleting all Autodesk network-licensed products that are specified in the existing license file. Use this option only if you no longer require any part of the previous license file contents.

To overwrite an existing license file, click Overwrite the Existing File. Click Browse to locate the existing file, and then click Next. The existing file is overwritten by your new license file.