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Welcome to FLEXnet Licensing, the de facto standard network licensing system used by over 2000 leading software vendors to control the use of their software products. FLEXnet Licensing is a part of FLEXnet Publisher. If you are a system administrator or end user, chances are one or more of the products currently on your network is FLEXenabled.

About This Manual

This manual explains FLEXnet Licensing for administrators and end users and describes how to use the tools which are part of the standard FLEXnet Licensing distribution kit from your vendor.

Keep in mind that certain topics (such as password encryption) are vendor-specific and proprietary so they are not documented in any detail. Also, because FLEXnet Licensing does not enforce a particular licensing strategy, each vendor's implementation has subtle differences. If you do not find out what you need to know here, contact your vendor's technical support group.

Versions of FLEXnet Licensing

This manual covers features of interest to license administrators and end users of FLEXnet Licensing v10.8 and FLEXlm versions 5.0 through 9.3. The text presents FLEXnet Licensing v10.8 behavior and functionality. Differing behavior and functionality, if any, between the current and past versions for a particular feature is noted at the end of the its section. Additionally, Appendix I, "FLEXnet Licensing Versions," covers version differences in detail.

Related Documents from Macrovision

The FLEXnet Licensing Programming and Reference Guide is for programmers responsible for incorporating FLEXnet Licensing into their products.

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:


Table of ContentsPreviousNextIndex
FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide
Version 10.8
May 2005