------------------------------------------------------------------- QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro 2000 R6 Maintenance Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release makes several important improvements to your version of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro. In addition, it includes all other updates that Intuit has provided for your software since its original release. NOTE: If QuickBooks has already downloaded this update from the Internet, you do not need to install it again. To check, start QuickBooks, then hold down the Control ("CTRL") key and press the "1" key (above the letter "Q", not on the keypad). If the release number in the Product line includes R6, you do not need to update again. *How installing this maintenance release affects your data file* Installing this maintenance release does not directly affect your company data file. However, if you need to reinstall QuickBooks at a later date, you may not be able to open your company file until you also reinstall this maintenance release. *If you have several copies of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro* If your company uses several copies of QuickBooks, be sure to update them all. Until you do, the copies of QuickBooks that are not updated will not be able to open your company file(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------- To update your copy of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Back up your company file(s). For instructions on backing up your data, search the Help Index under "backups". 2. Shut down all open programs, including QuickBooks and any virus- protection programs you may have (as these can interfere with the Installer). 3. Place the first update disk in your floppy drive. 4. Click the "Start" button, then choose "Run". 5. Type the letter of your floppy or CD-ROM drive, then: :\setup.exe (for example, "a:\setup.exe"). 6. The update should automatically locate QuickBooks on your hard drive. If it does not, it will prompt you to navigate to your QuickBooks directory. 7. Follow the instructions on your screen. 8. When the update is complete, start QuickBooks, then open your company data file so that QuickBooks can update your data. Updating your version of Microsoft Internet Explorer: If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, we strongly recommend that you update to version 5.01 or later. You should never install any beta version of Internet Explorer as QuickBooks may not work with it correctly. If you have already installed a beta version of Internet Explorer (such as Microsoft's beta release of Internet Explorer 5.5), you should uninstall it and install a release version as soon as possible. You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from http://www.microsoft.com/ie ------------------------------------------------------------------- Release notes ------------------------------------------------------------------- The R6 Maintenance Release addresses these issues: ¤ When you start QuickBooks after applying this patch, a message appears to inform you about Intuit Canada's privacy policy, how QuickBooks behaves while connected to the Internet, and what your options are for changing this behavior, if you want. ¤ Users who use online banking to download transactions for several bank and credit card accounts will now see all their accounts properly in the online banking window. ¤ Replacing a memorized transaction with a similar one no longer affects other memorized transactions for that customer. ¤ When you edit a transaction that is part of a memorized transaction group, QuickBooks now asks if you want to replace the existing transaction within the memorized transaction group or create a new transaction outside of the group. ¤ If you create a pay cheque with the same cheque number as an existing pay cheque, then answer "No" when QuickBooks asks if you want to create the pay cheque despite the duplicate number, QuickBooks no longer creates duplicate payroll items on the pay cheque. ¤ The pay stubs of employees paid only by commission now show their accrued vacation pay correctly. Earlier maintenance releases improved QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro 2000 in these ways: A. Contact management setup and synchronization for Microsoft Outlook and Symantec ACT! ¤ QuickBooks now supports contact management setup and synchronization for ACT! 2000. ¤ Synchronizations are more accurate due to improvements in contact management logic. ¤ Detection of duplicate names during synchronization is now more accurate. ¤ Differences in the capitalization of a state or province abbreviation no longer cause a conflict during synchronization. ¤ Duplicate address lines are less likely to occur during synchronization. ¤ Instructions for using the contact management wizard have been enhanced and updated. ¤ Logic used in assigning QuickBooks categories to contacts during synchronization has been improved. ¤ QuickBooks no longer runs out of memory in synchronization scenarios where many duplicate names exist. ¤ QuickBooks now correctly memorizes your conflict resolution preferences. ¤ QuickBooks now correctly warns users about insufficient access rights to their Symantec ACT! database. ¤ The Confirm Changes dialog box now displays all additions and changes correctly. ¤ The Customer/Vendor/Other Name field in QuickBooks now maps to the "File As" field in Microsoft Outlook. ¤ The QBSync.log file now correctly displays field mappings. ¤ Users can no longer accidentally cause a run-time error 5 to occur while using the setup wizard. B. QuickBooks system updates ¤ The Depreciation Calculator decision tool now allows you to enter information for an asset, choose a method of depreciation, calculate results, and print or save them for future reference. ¤ The QuickBooks sample data is improved. (R2) ¤ QuickBooks now verifies that the data in your company file is correct at the intervals you set in the Preferences instead of each time you exit from the software. ¤ QuickBooks now properly displays information on the Update page of the Update QuickBooks window. ¤ The shared download directory for distributing updates to networked computers in a multi-user environment is more reliable. ¤ QuickBooks now correctly handles file updates that have failed in previous attempts. ¤ Sometimes, as you update to QuickBooks 2000 from a previous version of QuickBooks, the Installer needs to apply a patch to your older version of QuickBooks, then update your company files in that older version of QuickBooks before moving them to QuickBooks 2000. In this case, the Installer will now prompt you to update all your company files in your older version of QuickBooks before it installs QuickBooks 2000, instead of automatically updating only the last company file you had open. ¤ QuickBooks 2000 now provides more information to users who try to open a company file from a previous version of QuickBooks directly, without going through the update process (see the previous point). ¤ After updating to QuickBooks 2000 from a previous version of QuickBooks, you can now edit Estimates and Purchase Orders that are linked to transaction on other forms without causing an error. ¤ QuickBooks 2000 now updates memorized transactions from QuickBooks 6.0 correctly. (R2) The following items now apply for users running Windows NT and logging on as a non-administrator: ¤ QuickBooks no longer keeps prompting you to install an update once you have already successfully downloaded and installed the latest maintenance release. ¤ QuickBooks now updates the correct registry entries, which indicate whether your version of QuickBooks is current. C. General ¤ Information about how the QuickBooks Automatic Update feature protects your privacy has been clarified and made more accessible. To see this information, from the Help menu, select About Automatic Update. ¤ Expired VeriSign certificates (which allow QuickBooks to auto- matically confirm that an update downloaded from the Internet was not tampered with while in transit) are replaced with updated ones. ¤ For users who upgraded from an earlier version of QuickBooks, payments that include a reference number can now be edited in the Accounts Receivable register and the reference number will appear properly in reports. ¤ QuickBooks can now better identify which item in your cheque register best matches a downloaded transaction as you reconcile in the Online Banking area. (R2) ¤ When reconciling a Fixed Asset or Other Current Asset account using the Earned Interest line, the correct account is assigned. ¤ QuickBooks now displays browser windows and their content correctly and lets users navigate from one window to the next. ¤ Centres now call reports correctly when you click the appropriate items. ¤ In centres, lightning bolts now appear in front of alerts that, when clicked, connect your computer to the Internet to display a web page. ¤ In memorized transactions, items on the Expenses tab no longer jump to the Items tab and vice versa. ¤ If you open a previously-memorized transaction, change the name of the customer, and memorize the transaction again, QuickBooks now creates a new memorized transaction for the new customer instead of replacing the original memorized transaction for the original customer. ¤ The EasyStep Interview now allows the creation of Non-Inventory and Other Charge items in the Inventory section after the creation of Service items with subcontractor information in the Income Details section. ¤ QuickBooks now correctly generates Charts of Accounts for all the industry types listed in the EasyStep Interview when the user selects a T2 tax form. ¤ In companies using a Chart of Accounts imported from a previous version of QuickBooks, a saved transaction will no longer go out of balance when, after QuickZooming to it from a register, the user edits a non-numeric field. ¤ Split deposits in bank registers no longer give a "Transaction out of balance" error when the transaction includes tax. ¤ While in multi-user mode, QuickBooks no longer reverts a name on a form to its prefilled value after a user changes the name (from its prefilled one) and prints the form without saving it. ¤ The "Find Transactions" feature now works properly after being added to the Navigation Bar. ¤ The Microsoft Word® letter templates for use with QuickBooks Pro's Contact Management features now use Canadian spellings. ¤ Customized reports now transfer properly from QuickBooks Pro to Microsoft Excel®. ¤ Several broken links in the QuickBooks help system have been fixed and information in some parts of the help system has been improved. D. Payroll ¤ If your subscription to the Payroll Tax Compliance Service expires, QuickBooks now allows you access to historical payroll data, pay cheques, and T4s. You will also be able to prepare new T4s for the payroll year up to the point that the subscription expired. However, QuickBooks will not allow you to create new pay cheques. ¤ Users who set up a new employee then click Next (to set up another employee) no longer see a happy face in the new employee's Address field and Province drop-down menu. Instead, the settings from the user's Employee Defaults now appear properly. ¤ Taxable benefits are now taxed correctly on pay cheques if the user does not tab through the pay cheque while reviewing it. ¤ Calculations for Company Contribution payroll items are now based on gross pay instead of net pay. ¤ The Company Contribution column on paystubs now displays the amount correctly. ¤ "Sick" payroll items (such as Sick Salary and Sick Hourly now display the correct amount of time used from the employee's accrued amounts on pay cheque stubs and vouchers. ¤ Edits to a payroll liability cheque are now correctly reflected on the cheque's voucher. ¤ Accessing a previously-created payroll liability cheque that was printed before it was saved no longer causes an error. ¤ When depositing a payroll liability refund, if the user does not select a Bank account, QuickBooks now warns that the account is not the correct type. ¤ QuickBooks now warns you if, on a timesheet, you try to enter more than 24 hours worked by one employee in one day and gives you the option of proceeding or not. ¤ The interfaces of the T4 Summary, Relevé 1, and PD7A reports are improved. Also, the format of the PD7A report now reflects the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency form more exactly. ¤ Incorrect informational messages about QuickBooks Deluxe Payroll have been removed. E. Sales forms ¤ Creating a cheque under certain, rare circumstances can no longer cause QuickBooks to crash. ¤ The due date on invoices created using the Create Invoices button on the estimate form now generates correctly. ¤ Line items for reimbursable expenses on invoices are now inserted where the cursor is positioned. ¤ For users who track reimbursable expenses as income, QuickBooks now maintains the correct account assignments for non-billable expenses. ¤ Subtotals are now available for use in the footer of a custom template for invoices. ¤ Identical rates of provincial sales tax (PST) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) now produce identical tax totals in all circumstances instead of sometimes differing by 1 cent. ¤ QuickBooks now allows the user to enter negative amounts of GST on sales forms. ¤ "Purchase" tax codes assigned to items now appear correctly on Purchase Orders. ¤ The Credit Memo/Refund option now remains on the Customer menu after GST/PST tracking is turned off. ¤ When the AutoRecall preference is turned on, entering a memorized transaction no longer causes either an error or items on the Expenses tab to jump to the Items tab and vice versa. F. Printing ¤ QuickBooks now supports printing of multiple copies from printers running Windows 2000. ¤ When the AutoRecall preference is turned on, printing a cheque before saving it no longer causes either an error or items on the Expenses tab to jump to the Items tab and vice versa. ------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Contacting Intuit ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the latest information about QuickBooks, please visit our online support web site: http://www.quickbooks.ca/support If you encounter a problem with this patch, please contact Intuit Canada: * QuickBooks Basic Telephone Support: Call 1-877-868-1977 from 8 am to 5 pm MST, from Mon. to Fri. A charge per incident applies. To expedite your call, please have your credit card number ready. * QuickBooks Payroll Tax Compliance Service: If you have questions about your subscription, call 1-877-442-8912 from 8 am to 5 pm MST, from Mon. to Fri. Support is available for extended hours from October to April. * QuickFax Service: The answers to many frequently-asked questions are available through our automated fax service. To request a fax, call 1-800-858-6090 at any time. This notice is provided as a convenience for our customers and is not intended to supplement, modify, or extend the Intuit software license agreement between Intuit and the customer for any Intuit product or service. ©Intuit Canada Ltd. 2000