QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro 2001 R3 Update

This maintenance release makes several important improvements
to your version of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro. In addition, 
it includes all other updates that Intuit has provided for your 
software since its original release.

NOTE: If QuickBooks has already downloaded this update from the
      Internet, you do not need to install it again.

      To check, start QuickBooks, then hold down the Control 
      ("CTRL") key and press the "1" key (above the letter "Q",
      not on the keypad). If the release number in the Product 
      line includes R3, you do not need to update again.

*How installing this maintenance release affects your data file*

Installing this maintenance release does not directly affect your 
company data file.

However, if you need to reinstall QuickBooks at a later date, you 
may not be able to open your company file until you also reinstall 
this maintenance release.

*If you have several copies of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro*

If your company uses several copies of QuickBooks, be sure to 
update them all. Until you do, the copies of QuickBooks that are
not updated will not be able to open your company file(s). 

To update your copy of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro:

1. Back up your company file(s). For instructions on backing up 
   your data, search the Help Index under "backups".

2. Shut down all open programs, including QuickBooks and any virus-
   protection programs you may have (as these can interfere with
   the Installer).

3. Place the update floppy disk or CD-ROM in your drive.

4. Click the "Start" button, then choose "Run".

5. Type the letter of your floppy disk or CD-ROM drive, then:


   (for example, "d:\setup.exe").

6. The update should automatically locate QuickBooks on your hard
   drive. If it does not, it will prompt you to navigate to your
   QuickBooks directory.

7. Follow the instructions on your screen.

8. When the update is complete, start QuickBooks, then open your 
   company data file so that QuickBooks can update your data.

Updating your version of Microsoft Internet Explorer:

If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, we
recommend that you update to version 5.5 SP1 or later.

You should never install any beta version of Internet Explorer as
QuickBooks may not work with it correctly.

You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from

The R3 maintenance release addresses these issues:

* Information for Releve 1 slips now prints correctly on the new- 
format blanks released in Feb. 2001 by the government of Quebec.
Earlier versions of QuickBooks printed the older format.

The R2 maintenance release addressed these issues:

* The QuickBooks Credit Card Service, including the Online Invoice 
Payment feature, is now enabled. To sign up for this service, from
the Customers menu, select Customer Services, then Accept Credit

* In some cases, deposits with more than 20 items included could 
cause QuickBooks to shut down unexpectedly. This issue is resolved. 

* Statements now show the correct amount due. 

* After upgrading from QuickBooks 6.0 to QuickBooks 2001, the 
Customer:Job column now appears properly on purchase forms. 

*The Installer splash screens now show the correct information for 
your version of QuickBooks, including version number. 

* When you install QuickBooks for the first time, the correct 
licence agreement for your version of QuickBooks now appears. 

* Information for the QuickBooks Credit Card Service, Online 
Invoice Payment, and QuickTax is updated and more complete. 

* Missing graphics and typos in HTML pages are fixed. 

* New financial institutions are added to the list of online 
banking providers. 

* Class List now appears on the Lists menu instead of Classes List. 

* QuickBooks 2001 can now update company files from earlier 
versions of QuickBooks which had the December 2000 (73rd Edition) 
tax table installed. You require QuickBooks 2000 Release 2 to 
update from QuickBooks 4.5 r18, QuickBooks 5.0 r8, QuickBooks 6.0 
r8, and QuickBooks 2000 r7. 

* If, in previous payroll years, you have made manual adjustments 
to T4s for your employees and these adjustments have since become 
corrupt, QuickBooks no longer gives an "out of memory" error when 
you attempt to made manual adjustments to T4s in the current 
payroll year. 

* The correct explanatory HTML file for your tax table is 

When using multicurrency in QuickBooks Pro: 

* Depending on the speed of your computer system, turning on 
multicurrency in a large company file can take some time. An hour 
glass now appears while QuickBooks converts your information. 

* If QuickBooks is interrupted while turning on multicurrency, not 
all your transactions will be converted properly. To fix this 
situation, you should rebuild your company file. The Rebuild 
utility will add currencies to transactions that require them. 

* Statements now show the correct foreign currency symbol. 

* Existing transactions changed in registers are now saved 

* In a register for a foreign credit card, clicking the Splits 
button no longer causes QuickBooks to shut down unexpectedly. 

* In a register for a foreign account, using the "CTRL+G" shortcut 
no longer causes QuickBooks to shut down unexpectedly. 

* The Ending Balance in the Pay Bills or Write Cheques window now 
displays correctly when you pay a foreign vendor from an account in 
your home currency. 

* The Show Open Balance box of an accounts receivable register for 
a foreign currency now correctly shows the remaining balance on the 
selected transaction. 

* The Aging Summary and Detail for an accounts receivable account 
for a foreign currency now correctly display overpaid transactions. 

* Users can no longer enter a negative exchange rate in the Pay 
Bills window. 

* Users can no longer enter an exchange rate other than 1 for 
foreign transactions in the homce currency. 

* Payments in which the name of the foreign customer is changed to 
a different foreign customer of the same currency now display 

Contacting Intuit

For the latest information about QuickBooks 2001, please visit our
online support web site: 


If you encounter a problem with this patch, please contact
Intuit Canada:

* QuickBooks Basic Telephone Support: Call 1-877-868-1977 from
  8 am to 5 pm MST, from Mon. to Fri. A charge per incident 
  applies. To expedite your call, please have your credit card 
  number ready.

* QuickBooks Payroll Tax Compliance Service: If you have questions
  about your subscription, call 1-877-442-8912 from 8 am to 5 pm
  MST, from Mon. to Fri. Support is available for extended hours
  from October to April.

* QuickFax Service: The answers to many frequently-asked questions
  are available through our automated fax service. To request a
  fax, call 1-800-858-6090 at any time.

This notice is provided as a convenience for our customers and is 
not intended to supplement, modify, or extend the Intuit software 
license agreement between Intuit and the customer for any Intuit 
product or service.

呼ntuit Canada Ltd. 2001