------------------------------------------------------------------- QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro 2000 R5 Maintenance Release QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro 6.0 R7 Maintenance Release ------------------------------------------------------------------- This maintenance release makes several important improvements to your version of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro. In addition, it includes all other updates that Intuit has provided for your software since its original release. NOTE: If QuickBooks has already downloaded this update from the Internet, you do not need to install it again from this CD. To check, start QuickBooks, then hold down the Control ("CTRL") key and press the "1" key (above the letter "Q", not on the keypad). If the release number in the Product line includes R5 (QuickBooks 2000) or R7 (QuickBooks 6.0), you do not need to update again. *How installing this maintenance release affects your data file* Installing this maintenance release does not directly affect your company data file. However, if you need to reinstall QuickBooks at a later date, you may not be able to open your company file until you also reinstall this maintenance release. *If you have several copies of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro* If your company uses several copies of QuickBooks, be sure to update them all. Until you do, the copies of QuickBooks that are not updated will not be able to open your company file(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------- To update your copy of QuickBooks or QuickBooks Pro: ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Back up your company file(s). For instructions on backing up your data, search the Help Index under "backups". 2. Shut down all open programs, including QuickBooks and any virus- protection programs you may have (as these can interfere with the Installer). 3. Place the update CD in your CD-ROM drive. The Installer starts automatically and detects the last version of QuickBooks that you installed. * If the Installer doesn’t start up or you want to manually install the update for your version of QuickBooks, view the contents of the CD in Windows Explorer and open either the QB6 (QuickBooks 6.0) or the QB2000 (QuickBooks 2000) folder. Now double-click setup.exe. 4. Follow the instructions on your screen. 5. When the update is complete, start QuickBooks, then open each of your company files so that QuickBooks can update your data. Installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01: If you are using an older version of Internet Explorer, we strongly recommend that you update to version 5.01. To do so, view the contents of this CD in Windows Explorer and open the IE5 folder. Now double-click ie5setup.exe and follow the instructions on your screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Issues addressed in QuickBooks 2000 II. Issues addressed in QuickBooks 6.0 III. Contacting Intuit ------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Issues addressed in QuickBooks 2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- · Creating a cheque under certain, rare circumstances can no longer cause QuickBooks to crash. · Information about how the QuickBooks Automatic Update feature protects your privacy has been clarified and made more accessible. To see this information, from the Help menu, select Automatic Update. · Expired VeriSign certificates (which allow QuickBooks to auto- matically confirm that an update downloaded from the Internet was not tampered with while in transit) are replaced with updated ones. · If you open a previously-memorized transaction, change the name of the customer, and memorize the transaction again, QuickBooks now creates a new memorized transaction for the new customer instead of replacing the original memorized transaction for the original customer. · For users who upgraded from an earlier version of QuickBooks, payments that include a reference number can now be edited in the Accounts Receivable register and the reference number will appear properly in reports. · For users who track reimbursable expenses as income, QuickBooks now maintains the correct account assignments for non-billable expenses. · If your subscription to the Payroll Tax Compliance Service expires, QuickBooks now allows you access to historical payroll data, pay cheques, and T4s. You will also be able to prepare new T4s for the payroll year up to the point that the subscription expired. However, QuickBooks will not allow you to create new pay cheques. ------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Issues addressed in QuickBooks 6.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- · If your subscription to the Payroll Tax Compliance Service expires, QuickBooks now allows you access to historical payroll data, pay cheques, and T4s. You will also be able to prepare new T4s for the payroll year up to the point that the subscription expired. However, QuickBooks will not allow you to create new pay cheques. ------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Contacting Intuit ------------------------------------------------------------------- For the latest information about QuickBooks, please visit our online support web site: http://www.quickbooks.ca/support If you encounter a problem with this patch, please contact Intuit Canada: * QuickBooks Basic Telephone Support: Call 1-877-868-1977 from 8 am to 5 pm MST, from Mon. to Fri. A charge per incident applies. To expedite your call, please have your credit card number ready. * QuickBooks Payroll Tax Compliance Service: If you have questions about your subscription, call 1-877-442-8912 from 8 am to 5 pm MST, from Mon. to Fri. Support is available for extended hours from October to April. * QuickFax Service: The answers to many frequently-asked questions are available through our automated fax service. To request a fax, call 1-800-858-6090 at any time. This notice is provided as a convenience for our customers and is not intended to supplement, modify, or extend the Intuit software license agreement between Intuit and the customer for any Intuit product or service. ©Intuit Canada Ltd. 2000