WS_FTP Pro for Windows 95/98/NT (X86 Version) Version 6.0 Release Notes for the following applications WS_FTP Pro "classic" user interface WS_FTP Pro Explorer interface WS_FTP Find Utility WS_FTP Scripting Utility WS_FTP Synchronize Utility WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement Ipswitch, Inc. In This File ============ - Installation (All Applications) - Installed Files - Uninstalling (All Applications) - Removing WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer) - Year 2000 Compliance - WS_FTP Pro Classic and Explorer (Description, New Features, Bug Fixes and Enhancements, Known Problems) - Updates to the User's Guide (Classic and Explorer) - WS_FTP Find Utility (Description, Known Problems) - WS_FTP Scripting Utility (Description, Known Problems) - WS_FTP Synchronize Utility (Description, Known Problems) - WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement (Description, Known Problems) - Changing Your MTU Setting - For More Information Installation (All Applications) ==================================== If you purchased WS_FTP Pro online, install it by double- clicking the file you downloaded, accepting the defaults, and following the prompts on your screen. To install WS_FTP Pro from a disk: - Insert the WS_FTP Pro disk into a disk drive. - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later, click the Start button and select Run. If you are running Windows NT 3.51, select Run from the File menu. - Enter the drive letter followed by install.exe. For example, a:install.exe. - Choose WS_FTP Pro Installation, when asked. - Follow the instructions on your screen. Installed Files =============== WS_FTP Pro classic: - antiviru.ini, archives.ini, games.ini, hardware.ini, ipswitch.ini, onlinese.ini, software.ini, usgovern.ini - folders containing pre-configured FTP sites - complete.wav, connect.wav, error.wav - sound files to signal WS_FTP Pro events - ftp95pro.exe - executable for classic interface - ftplink.exe - WS_FTP Icon Placement utility - ftppro32.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help - ftppro32.dll - dynamic link library for classic interface - ftppro32.hlp - Online Help topics - ftpstub.dll - dynamic link library - remove32.exe - executable file for removing WS_FTP - WhatsNew.txt - Release Notes for all applications - WS_FTP.ini - initialization file WS_FTP Pro Explorer: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus - WS_FTP Pro Explorer - icon for the Explorer interface - ftpproex.dll - dynamic link library extending the capabilities of Windows Explorer - nsftpch.dll - dynamic link library supporting ftpproex.dll - nsftp.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help - nsftp.hlp - Online Help topics WS_FTP Find Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus - ftpfind.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help - ftpfind.exe - executable file for Find - ftpfind.hlp - Online Help topics WS_FTP Scripting Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus - ftpscrpt.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help - ftpscrpt.exe - executable file for Scripting - ftpscrpt.hlp - Online Help topics WS_FTP Synchronize Utility: all WS_FTP Pro classic files plus - ftpsync.cnt - Table of Contents for online Help - ftpsync.exe - executable file for Synchronize - ftpsync.hlp - Online Help topics - syncdll.dll - dynamic link library for Synchronize WS_FTP Icon Placement - all files are installed with the WS_FTP Pro Classic Uninstalling (All Applications) =============================== The uninstall function removes all files associated with WS_FTP Pro from your PC, including your configured sites. It also removes the WS_FTP Pro Explorer icon from your desktop. To uninstall WS_FTP Pro, you can use the Uninstall application that is installed when you install the product. To do so, click the Start button, select WS_FTP Pro, and then select Uninstall WS_FTP Pro. To uninstall WS_FTP Pro using the original disk: - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later, click the Start button and select Run. If you are running Windows NT 3.51, select Run from the File menu. - Enter the appropriate drive letter (and path) followed by install.exe. For example, a:install.exe. - Choose Uninstall WS_FTP Pro, when asked. - Follow the on-screen instructions. Removing WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer) ================================================ The WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement utility is used to Remove/Install WS_FTP Pro Icons (Classic and Explorer) from/to My Computer and/or Desktop. To remove or install WS_FTP Pro icons: - If you are running Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.0 or later, click the Start button and select Programs then select WS_FTP Pro then select WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement. - Check the appropriate options and then click the OK button. Note that if you don't place the WS_FTP Pro Explorer icon either on the desktop or in My Computer, you will not be able to run the Explorer interface even if you have installed it. Year 2000 Compliance ==================== WS_FTP Pro is Year 2000 compliant, meaning that neither performance nor functionality are affected by dates prior to, during, and after the year 2000. For more detailed information see the following pages on our web site: WS_FTP Pro Classic and Explorer =============================== Description ----------- WS_FTP Professional is a Windows-based file transfer client application that transfers files between a user’s local PC and another, remote computer system connected via a modem and telephone lines or by a local-area network. With WS_FTP Pro, users can connect to any remote system that has a valid Internet address and an FTP server program, browse through directories and files, and transfer files between the two systems. In addition, users can create, change, and remove directories and view, execute, rename, or delete files. WS_FTP Pro complies with the Windows sockets (Winsock) standard, allowing you to transfer files between a wide variety of systems, including Windows, OS/2, and UNIX systems. WS_FTP Pro is shipped with two user interfaces: the "classic" which looks like a standard Windows application, and the Explorer with a user interface that is fully integrated into the Windows Explorer. New Features ------------ - Ability to delete folders with subfolders (Classic and Explorer) - Ability to store FTP site configurations in hierarchical folders (Classic and Explorer) - Wizard interface for adding new sites (Classic and Explorer) - Improved firewall support (Classic and Explorer) - Now automatically detects the following host types: AMOS TCP/IP, VxWorks, and GCOS 6 HVS AIX (Classic and Explorer) - Includes Unisys A-Series host type (Classic and Explorer) - Expanded Drag and Drop (Classic) - Graphical interface for connecting to FTP sites (Classic) Known Problems (WS_FTP Pro Classic) ----------------------------------- - None at this time. Known Problems (WS_FTP Pro Explorer) ------------------------------------ -Paste menu option may not be available when using Edit->Copy and Edit->Paste on early versions of Windows 95. To work around this problem: open a local folder, select a file and press CTRL-C, then select a remote file. This only needs to be done once after starting Windows. -If IE 4.x is installed with the Active Desktop, opening windows does not honor the "open in new window" Explorer->View option and will always open in the same window. Hold the SHIFT key down and open the folder. -On permission errors, you see an error screen that has a Continue and Cancel button; both buttons do the same thing. Explanation: Only happens if there are no more actions, otherwise Continue behaves differently than Cancel. -Occasionally, a file listing may duplicate or a change that you made may not seem to have taken affect. If this occurs, select a file or folder in the display and press F5. -If a site is selected in the tree and you disconnect from it, double clicking on the site does not re-establish a connection. Solution: Press F5. -There is no method within the FTP protocol to set up one port for a proxy/firewall and a different port for the FTP site. Whatever is set for the firewall is what will be used. -Opening the LogWnd and doing a Save, at the same time as a download is happening, seems to hang the application. -When trying to transfer entire directory structures, WS_FTP aborts when it encounters a link in a UNIX directory. The actual site is, and the link is: /pub/linux/redhat/redhat-5.1/i386/misc/src/trees/initrd/linuxrc. It appears that the link is broken. In any case, there is no workaround, and one must fall back to manual methods. Updates to the User's Guide (Classic and Explorer) ================================================== - None at this time. WS_FTP Find Utility =================== Description ----------- The WS_FTP Find Utility lets users search an FTP site for files that match the user’s criteria. This is especially useful for anyone who is looking for one file on a large, complex FTP site. Known Problems -------------- - None at this time. WS_FTP Scripting Utility ======================== Description ----------- - The WS_FTP Scripting Utility automates the transfer and management of files through FTP commands such as open, get, and put. For example, you can create a script that instructs WS_FTP Pro to upload certain files, and then use a scheduling program to run the script at the same time each day or week. - Script lines that start with ';' are comments and are ignored by the command processor. Known Problems -------------- - None at this time. WS_FTP Synchronize Utility ========================== Description ----------- - The WS_FTP Synchronize Utility is designed to allow you to "mirror" folders and directories between your PC and a remote FTP server. It lets you keep remote sites up-to-date by automatically uploading files which have changed, while deleting files that have been removed from the master directory. This is especially useful for quickly and efficiently updating live web sites from an authoring site, or for mirroring FTP servers. Known Problems -------------- - None at this time. WS_FTP Pro Icon Placement ========================= Description ----------- - The WS_FTP Icon Placement utility is used to place or remove icons for WS_FTP Pro (Classic and Explorer) to or from My Computer and/or Windows Desktop. Known Problems -------------- - None at this time. Changing Your MTU Setting ========================= After connecting to an FTP site, if you experience the following problems,you may need to change the value of the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) parameter defined for your PC's network stack software. - The list box for the site is blank and the followng message appears: "DoDirList returned 4" - You received one or more "Blocking call cancelled" messages and the file transfer is incomplete. - WS_FTP Pro returns only NNNNN bytes of a file and can never retrieve the whole file. To change the MTU setting on your PC (for Windows 95 systems): 1. Start the program Regedit.exe to access the Windows registry. Note: If you are not confident in working with your Windows registry, PLEASE don't do this! Making a mistake while editing your registry may render your computer unusable! We advice that you make a backup copy of your registry before making changes to it.) 2. Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CURRENTCONTROLSET SERVICES CLASS NETTRANS 000n where n represents the number of the folder that contains the Drivedesc parameter (you can open these folders to find which one has the Drivedesc parameter). 3. If the MaxMTU parameter does not exist, create it (select Edit->New->String Value, then enter MaxMTU, and press Return twice, and then enter the value 576). If the MAXMTU parameter already exists, select it, then select Edit->Modify and enter the value 576. 4. Select the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CURRENTCONTROLSET SERVICES VXD MSTCP and create a new string variable "DefaulkRcvWindow" with a value of 4048. 5. Close Regedit, then shutdown and reboot your PC. If this doesn't work, try a lower MaxMTU value (for example 512 or 256). For more information... ======================= On Classic and Explorer - Download the WS_FTP Pro User's Guide (.pdf file) from the Ipswitch Web site: - Note: You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the .pdf file. You can also download the Acrobat Reader from the same location on our Web site. On Classic, Explorer, Find, Scripting, Synchronize, see online Help. On WS_FTP Server, a separately purchased product, see the Ipswitch Product Catalog or visit our web site. On WS_FTP Pro Development Kit, a separately purchased product, see the Ipswitch Product Catalog or visit our web site.