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Troubleshooting Guide

Appendix C

This appendix documents areas of FLEXnet Licensing that have given customers difficulty in the past.

General Troubleshooting Hints

The following are tips for debugging:


Note The ability for FLEXnet Licensing to produce diagnostic output is controlled by your software vendor. The ability for FLEXnet Licensing to produce diagnostic output is controlled by your software vendor.

FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS is an environment variable that causes the application to produce diagnostic information when a checkout is denied. The format of the diagnostic information may change over time.

On UNIX, the diagnostic output goes to stderr.

On Windows, the output is a file in the current directory called flexpid.log, where pid is the application's process ID.

Level 1 Content

If FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS is set to 1, then the standard FLEXnet Licensing error message is be presented, plus a complete list of license files that the application tried to use. For example:

FLEXlm checkout error: Cannot find license file (-1,73:2) No such file or directory
license file(s): /usr/myproduct/licenses/testing.lic license.lic

Level 2 Content

If FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS is set to 2, then, in addition to level 1 output, the checkout arguments are presented. For example:

FLEXlm checkout error: No such feature exists (-5,116:2) No such file or directory
license file(s): /usr/myproduct/licenses/testing.lic license.lic
lm_checkout("f1", 1.0, 1, 0x0, ..., 0x4000)

Note that the error message actually contains two separate problems, which both occurred during the checkout:

Following is a description of the arguments to lm_checkout()

lm_checkout(feature, version, num_lic, queue_flag, ..., dupgroup_mask)


The requested feature.
The requested version. The license file must contain a version >= the requested version.
Number of licenses requested. Usually 1.
If 0, no queueing
If 1, queue for license ("blocking" queue)
If 2, queue for licenses, but return to application ("non-blocking" queue)
Indicates duplicate grouping, also called license sharing. User, host, and display are as shown by lmstat -a.

Level 3 Content (v6.0+ only)

If FLEXLM_DIAGNOSTICS is set to 3, then, in addition to level 1 and 2 output, if a checkout is successful, information is printed explaining how the license was granted:

Checkout succeeded: f0/14263EAEA8E0
License file: ./servtest.lic
No server used
Checkout succeeded: f1/BC64A7B120AE
License file: @localhost
License Server System: @localhost
Checkout succeeded: f1/BC64A7B120AE
License file: servtest.lic
License Server System: @speedy

Note that the feature name and license key are printed, along with the license file location (or host name if @host were used) and host name of the server, where applicable.


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FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide
Version 10.8
May 2005